A theatrical caravan is planned to make the population aware of the potential risks and an App to inform them of the opportunities
The project “Awareness Raising and Info throught Art on Irregular Migration Risks in Mali” is now officially started

Migrants: also the theater in the villages of Mali to counter the exodus run by traffickers. For local populations, an information campaign on risks and opportunities with representatives of the Malian diaspora in Europe.
Create awareness about the risks of migration between the population of Mali and migrants from neighboring countries in transit from the Malian territory and inform them about the economic opportunities available to them in Mali. These are in summary the objectives of the AwArtMali project that started with the meeting held in Brussels on 4 February.
A project, funded by DG Home Affairs, DG Home Affairs, Migration and Security Funds, Financial Resources and Monitoring, Union actions through the Asilo Integrazione e Migrazione (AMIF) fund, which sees Tamat as the leader, an NGO committed for 20 years in projects of international and decentralized cooperation, in partnership with some Italian companies such as the ISMU Foundation (Institute of Multi-ethnicity Studies), Giusti Eventi communication agency specializing in communication on Third Sector and No-Profit projects, the Farneto Teatro Cultural Association.
Two Spanish partners active in the promotion of opportunities for migrants in Spain, Congenia and Intrategies and the Cypriot partner Cardet, specializing in technological applications in training and information in favor of migrant people, then participate in the project.
AwArtMali intends to contribute to changing perceptions and behaviors of Malian people trying to migrate through unsafe and illegally managed channels to the EU as the only solution to their socio-economic problems. An innovative approach that aims at concreteness involving the diasporas’ countrymen, which was highly appreciated by the Commission for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship of the European Union which wanted to hear on February 5th in a hearing dedicated by the Group of European work on information campaigns to combat illegal immigration at the European Migration Network established by the Council of Europe. The project was also presented at the meeting among all the project coordinators financed by the Home Affairs General Directorate, which was also attended by Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos. which took the opportunity to recall the importance of forming solid partnerships that bring forward projects such as those funded to put into practice on the ground the policies that the Commission develops. A policy that has the obligation to support actions inside and outside the EU to support the socio-economic development also of citizens of third countries such as, for example, Mali.
What is AwArtMali
AwArtMali aims to contribute to the change of perceptions and behaviour of Malian people looking to irregular migration towards the EU as the only solution to their socio-economic problems.
The action is intended to reach and involve Malian people in order to make them aware and inform them on the risks of irregular migration, on legal alternatives and on economic opportunities available in their country with a multistakeholder approach consisting in awareness campaign and information activities.