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The first mission of Fondazione ISMU

Data collection and analysis to guarantee a targeted tailormade strategy

In order for an awareness-raising campaign to be effective, actions should not focus only on information sharing but tailor a strong message to beneficiaries by taking into account their societal issues and structural needs.

In this perspective Fondazione ISMU and its Spanish counterpart Instrategies collected data on the characteristics, motivations, information needs and gaps of Malians that have migrated or are likely to migrate through irregular venues as well as their media access and consumption. After drawing a statistical picture on how flows from Mali are structured and what regions are most affected by emigration, the two project partners launched a round of interviews that targeted key informants and gatekeepers in Mali, Spain and Italy. The group of interviewees included Malian civil servants, staff of international organisations and NGOs, diplomats, moral guides from villages and senior members of the Malian diaspora.

As the partner in charge of the interviews in Mali, ISMU consulted more than 30 people in Bamako and the Koulikoro region throughout March 2019 with the direct support of the local NGO LeTonus. As interviews were implemented, increasingly more stakeholders started looking at AwArtMali with great interest as an opportunity not only to raise awareness on the actual risks of migration but also promote the legal venues and the local opportunities. Many of these opportunities are indeed being implemented by Malian institutions as well as international organisations and donors but often lack proper visibility