AwArtMali’s communication campaign has now started with TV and Radio spots in Mali and an APP dedicated to those who are looking for information to get on the road.
In Mali starts AwArtMali – TAMA 365 communication campaign
Since August has started the Awart Mali communication campaign.
The campaign has drawn inspiration from the research on the characteristics of the target carried out by ISMU (with data and informations collected directly on the field and at the diaspora in Italy) and INSTRATEGIES (which analysed migration in the Spanish and European context), from mapping the main stakeholders in Europe and in Mali and drafting a catalogue of opportunities in Mali both activities carried out by CONGENIA, with LE TONUS as support organization that realized the work on the field.
With specific missions in Mali GIUSTI EVENTI and FARNETO TEATRO had a direct contact with the populations of local communities and operators of Malian communication (malian communication agency WABARIA, the team of animators of LE TONUS and the animators of the community radio broadcasting on the Cercle de Kati) has allowed to collect through interviews and focus group information directly from the voice of the Malian people, main target of AwArtMali communication campaign.
All these inputs were elaborated by Giusti Eventi working jointly with the Malian communication agency Wabaria producing the Strategical Communication Plan that identifies and develops the different products of the campaign that are:
– Spot radio broadcasted by Community radio stations in Kati Circle villages;
– Campaign of communication through information leaflets and posters distributed and published in the communities and the town of Kati with events of sharing and debate with the animators;
– the TAMA365 Blog, which will contain all the campaign content, publishing stories and direct testimonies of migrans or returned people collected from the Malian target, providing at the same time all necessary information in order to obtain complete informations for an informed migration;
– the TAMA 365 APP, developed by the partner CARDET, which will also develop campaign content and provide all the information necessary for an informed decision on the risks and opportunities of the decision to migrate.
During the Tamat’s last mission in Mali the Strategic Plan was presented to the European Commission Delegation in Mali and the Ministère des Maliens a l’Exterieur who invited Tamat and AwArtMali partners to start and develop the campaign on territory.
The campaign will take place in two phases, the first one focused on RISKS, while the second will focus on the messages on OPPORTUNITIES to be offered to young Malians to decide in an informed way and with full awareness of their life choices.
The campaign will culminate in the months of January and February through the journey of a theater caravan organized by partner FARNETO TEATRO and that will touch the neighborhoods of Bamako, the center of Kati and 14 villages of the circle of Kati.
In addition, the campaign will be enriched by the ideas that will be received during the course of 5 thematic workshops, organized by TAMAT and LE TONUS, on the issues related to the risks of irregular migration and the information to be given to the Malians on the opportunities for development and a decent life in their own country.
What is AwArtMali
AwArtMali aims to contribute to the change of perceptions and behaviour of Malian people looking to irregular migration towards the EU as the only solution to their socio-economic problems.
The action is intended to reach and involve Malian people in order to make them aware and inform them on the risks of irregular migration, on legal alternatives and on economic opportunities available in their country with a multistakeholder approach consisting in awareness campaign and information activities.