Communities sensitized to growth and development opportunities in Mali.
AwArtMali, workshop on illegal immigration

On 10th October at the conference hall of the Kati Circle Council, Tamat and the local NGO & partner of the project Le Tonus organized a workshop to raise awareness in the community about the potential opportunities for growth and development in Mali . This is the first of a series of workshops planned in the project activities to increase participants&awareness, share information, know-how and good practices, to activate dialogue, strategies and synergies among the main stakeholders, to improve their knowledge on national and international politics regarding migration.
More than thirty people participated in the workshop (institutions and private citizens). Two representatives of the Malian diaspora in Italy also participated in the video conference. Present for the occasion, and to carry out the project actions, a Tamat delegation composed by Simone Foresi (project coordinator) and Nadia Zangarelli (expert in international development cooperation).
Many topics were addressed. Le Tonus presented to the community the general and specific objectives of the project, explaining the various strategies aimed at creating a concrete alternative to irregular immigration and to socio-economic problems that cause it. The local communication agency Wabaria together with the Tamat staff presented the tools that were created within the project to raise awareness and inform young Malians about the development opportunities that exist and can be created by deciding to stay.
Specifically, the TAMA365 communication campaign uses two digital media, an app and a blog, with the aim of continuing to inform the target group about the types of projects / opportunities for socio-economic development in Mali. And on the concept of opportunity has been discussed at length: what it is, what types of opportunities exist or can be created and what role it has in decreasing migration flows.
The final part of the meeting was dedicated to a moment of group work in which the different topics were discussed in working groups, animated by moderators, who developed guidelines to address to stakeholders and policy makers and proposed additional opportunities to populate and disseminate through the TAMA365 campaign. In the end all the materials of the first meeting were collected by the team that organized the activities and will form the basis on which to build and increase the content of the campaign and this will be the basis for ensuring the sustainability of the project.
We recall that AwArtMali is a project co-funded by the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Commission, coordinated by Tamat in partnership with the ISMU Foundation, the Giusti Eventi Communication Agency, Farneto Teatro, CARDET, INSTRATEGIES, CONGENIA and the Malian NGO Le Tonus.
What is AwArtMali
AwArtMali aims to contribute to the change of perceptions and behaviour of Malian people looking to irregular migration towards the EU as the only solution to their socio-economic problems.
The action is intended to reach and involve Malian people in order to make them aware and inform them on the risks of irregular migration, on legal alternatives and on economic opportunities available in their country with a multistakeholder approach consisting in awareness campaign and information activities.