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AwartMali: italian experts of the Tamat NGO on mission in Mali

A new mission for stakeholder mapping and identification of self-development opportunities in Mali for people at risk of migration.

From 25 July to 2 August 2019, an NGO Tamat team will carry out a mission to Mali in the Cèrcle de Kati , Koulikoro region, under the European project AwArtMali, coordinated by Tamat NGO and funded by the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Commission whose main objective is to raise awareness among the population of Mali about the risks of irregular immigration and at the same time to inform on the socio-economic opportunities available in the African country. During the mission the Tamat team composed by Simone Foresi (project leader) and Nadia Zangarelli (international cooperation expert) will meet the animators of the Malian NGO LE TONUS and together they will work for the mapping of the local stakeholders and for the identification of the possible opportunities of self development for the benefit of people at possible risk of migration. The AwartMali project, in fact, wants to transmit to the Malian population (through a campaign of targeted communication) not only information on the risks of irregular migration but an overview of the possible opportunities in Mali.

Further objective of the mission is to prepare the activities useful for the future workshops in local communities with stakeholders. These workshop serve to build a solid network of subjects able to address the issue of migration from its roots (which are the lack of valid and solid opportunities for young people today). By the end of August will be developed and launched the communication campaign of the project, which will be multi-channel: the contents will travel through radio, posters, dissemination of informative material.

In July also, from 14 to 21, the project in Italy has enjoyed of an important showcase within the exhibition “Oltre i Confni – photography and audiovisual exhibition” by the artist Perugian Riccardo Trufarelli, during one of the most important jazz music festivals in Italy and Europe: Umbria Jazz. In this contest Tamat presented a photographic exhibition with some shots of Paolo Saglia, photographer of the communication agency (and partner of the project) Giusti Eventi, on the activities that the project is developing in Mali. A way to tell through faces, places, moments of life, the world of those young people who want to leave.